Frequently Asked Questions

Enroll in a Course

You can access the list of available courses from two locations: the “Course Categories” section, and the “Navigation” section on the right-hand side of most pages. Note: you must have completed the Tutorial prior to accessing any other SLBC courses. (Details here.)

From the SLBC Moodle home page:

Under the section called “Course Categories” choose the level to view its courses. On the resulting page, in the middle near the top, there is a drop-box in which you can choose from other categories and view the courses available should you want to view another list.

Once within a category, a list of courses will appear. Choose the course you would like to enroll in, and click on it. The next page will display whether or not an “enrollment code” is needed. (The Moodle system calls them "keys," but we refer to them as Enrollment Codes.) Generally speaking, a code will be required. (See Enrollment Codes.)  (Most codes are located in “Course Codes & Credits” under the “Level Start” area for the level you are in. -eg: the list for First Level would be found under “First Level Start”.) If you’re sure you want to enroll in the course click the “Enrol Me” button, and you will be taken to the course’s main page.  Note: Some courses are part of a series. (e.g. Discipleship I, Discipleship II, etc.)  In this case, if the course you wish to take is the next in the series, the enrollment code will not be in the "Course Codes & Credits" section.  Instead, the code will be at the end of the previous course, once you've passed the final.  (e.g. Discipleship II's enrollment code will be displayed in Discipleship I, after the final has been passed.)

If you would like more info on a course, it may already be displayed on the list of courses; if not, you can view this info by clicking on the blue circle with the white “i” BlueCircleI next to a course on the courses list. A pop-up window will come up with the information on the course including: number of credits the course is worth, the course’s ID, any prerequisites, textbooks required (available within the course), and the minimum attendance for the course and per lesson. This information is also available within the the course itself in the link entitled “About [Course Name].”

 Last updated 2015, Sun. Mar. 22, 2:41am

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