Frequently Asked Questions

Finish a Level / Start a (New) Level

Enrollment codes can be found in the “Course Codes & Credits” in the “Other” category. Each Level (First – Fourth) has its own section with its own list of Enrollment Codes for the courses in that Level. (The Moodle system calls these "keys," but we refer to them as Enrollment Codes.) REMINDER: you may not access any SLBC courses unless or until you have completed the Tutorial. (Details here.)

Finishing a Level

When you have finished the necessary courses for a Level, you will need to write down all the Completion Codes for the courses you have completed. Then you must go to the “Course Codes & Credits” section (located in the “Other” category), and enter these codes in the “Level Finish” questionnaire for the Level you are in. You must meet the minimum to advance in order to work on higher level courses. However, in order to complete a Level, there will be more courses required in addition to the minimum to advance.

Example: the minimum credits to complete a level is 32, but First Level's minimum to advance is 17.  This means that in order to access Second Level you must have at least 17 credits (which must contain certain required courses), but to complete First Level, you must complete an additional 15 credits.

You will also be required to complete First Level before Second Level credits will be awarded. (Second Level before Third, Third before Fourth, etc.)

Starting a (New) Level

After First Level, in order to get the Enrollment Codes for the next Level, you will need to have completed the "Level Finish" questionnaire for the previous Level, AND have completed the minimum courses required from the previous Level to advance to the next Level.

Note: the minimum number of credits/courses to advance does not mean you have completed the level. Remember, the minimum to advance only allows you to be able to access certain next Level courses sooner than if you had to wait to finish the previous Level until you finished the longer courses. The minimum to advance does not mean you have completed the previous level.

 Last updated 2015, Sun. Mar. 22, 1:41am

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