Frequently Asked Questions
The definition of "plagiarism" is: "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."
Because the problem of plagiarism has been growing over the last decade or two, to the point of becoming "plague status", all paper/thesis (and such-like) submissions to the college will be subjected to analysis to determine if plagiarism is present in the submitted work.
If plagiarism is found in a submission:
For the first offense* -- The student will be:
- Informed of the plagiarism by email.
- Issued the appropriate amount of demerits to their permanent record, according to the Course Infractions list.
- Placed on temporary Level 1 Suspension for a minimum of 1 week.
- Required, for the first offense only, to write and submit a paper specifically on "Plagiarism", as per the reinstatement requirements found under "Level 1 Suspension" here. There is a plethora of online sources addressing this topic, so researching sources will not be difficult.
Upon a second offense* -- The student will be placed on, and notified of, an immediate 6 month suspension with additional demerits added to their permanent record, and will be required to write another paper on a topic other than "plagiarism" (assigned by SLBC staff) of appropriate size, according to the suspension list linked to above.
Should the student continue to a third offense of plagiarism*, this will result in an immediate and permanent dismissal from the SLBC student body. The reason for dismissal will be placed on their permanent file and will be mentioned in any transcripts that are requested of us.
*A "Suspension Removal" request form will be required for both first and second offenses of plagiarism prior to reinstatement. Reinstatement is not possible for three offenses of plagiarism.
~ ~ If you do not know what plagiarism is, research it NOW so you can avoid it. ~ ~
Last updated 2022, Fri. Feb. 25, 4:11pm