Frequently Asked Questions
Quiz / Test Question(s) Being Marked Wrong?
Make sure to check these things first:
If after going through those steps, you are still having a problem with a quiz or test question being marked wrong, especially on a consistent basis, submit a ticket and we would be happy to help you!
- Look at the review page for the quiz, and see if there is any feedback for the question(s) marked wrong. There may be an explanation for why the answer you provided is incorrect.
- Pay attention to the order of the answers! This is the second most common problem students have with quiz/test taking. Nearly all tests and quizzes are randomized. This not only includes the questions themselves being in random order, but answers within the questions may be in a random order as well. Note: there are some questions where the answers are always in a specific order, but there are few of those.
- Check your spelling and punctuation!! This is the most common error students make when taking quizzes or tests. Make sure your answer is spelled correctly; words are capitalized properly; and there are no extra spaces at the beginning, the end, or anywhere in the middle of your answer -- this includes before/after punctuation.
If after going through those steps, you are still having a problem with a quiz or test question being marked wrong, especially on a consistent basis, submit a ticket and we would be happy to help you!
Last updated 2015, Wed. Jun. 3, 5:05pm