Frequently Asked Questions

Forgot Password Help
From the login page on the site you are registered with (either Moodle BASIC or Moodle VIDEO), you can reset your password by clicking on the "Forgot My Password" link. (Forgot password pages: Moodle Basic ~or~ Moodle Video).

1) After entering your email/username, you will receive a link in an email to reset your password.

2) Then, after clicking the link, you will be sent to our Moodle site, with a confirmation that another email will be sent to you with the new password.

3) After receiving the second email, in that email you will be shown your username, and new, temporary password. It is best to use the copy/paste feature with the password, since certain characters look similar.

 Last updated 2015, Wed. Jun. 3, 5:05pm

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