Frequently Asked Questions

Take / Create a Screenshot

Here’s how take a screenshot and insert it into your emailing program:
Note: When you have to press certain keys together, such as [Ctrl] + [C], this means the first key ( [Ctrl] ) must be pressed, and held down, until the second key ( [C] ) is pressed!! Otherwise it will not work.

  1. Make sure the window you want to take a picture of is open so that you can see it.
  2. Press the “Print Screen” key on your keyboard. (Possibly labeled as “PrntScrn” , “Prt Sc” or similar.)
    Note: Check your computer’s manual to find out what the Print Screen button looks like, and if it requires using a second key to be pressed along with it. (Ex: [FN] + [PrntScrn] )
  3. Switch to your emailing program, or webpage and paste into the body of the message (in Windows: [Ctrl] + [V] or right-click and choose “paste”).
    This should place the screenshot you took directly into the body of the message.

Note: If step 3 does not work, and you have pressed the correct key(s) to take a screenshot, then you’ll need to create a picture file and add it as an attachment to your email.
Here’s how to put the screenshot into a picture file.

  1. Take the screenshot. (1-2 above)
  2. Open a picture editing program. (Eg: Paint).
  3. Paste into the picture editor. (In Windows: [Ctrl] + [V] or right-click and choose “paste.”)
  4. Save the file. (Remember where it is!)
  5. Switch to your emailing program and add the file as an attachment.

 Last updated 2015, Sun. Mar. 22, 2:41am

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